Thursday, September 3, 2020

An Examination of Nazi Germany essays

An Examination of Nazi Germany papers The Nazis had numerous household arrangements which had a lot of consequences for the run of the mill German lifestyle. In basic terms, what the inquiry above pose is two things: one, what the Nazis wanted to accomplish in Germany, and two, regardless of whether they were effective. During the period from the ascent of Hitler to the fall of his proposed realm, the Nazi approaches can be put under a solitary perfect, the recovery of the feeling of network. These 'volkgesmeinschaft' arranged strategies were embraced by the Nazis so as to ingrain the customary Germanic beliefs of the past Reich's into the new age of German individuals, cleanse the German race and, using the Jewish people groups, tramps, gay people and different gatherings as substitutes, understand the emergency's which Germany confronted, making a progressively brought together Germany and a nation and realm which, as indicated by Hitler, would last one thousand years. Furthermore, the Nazis likewise wanted Germany to turn into a tyrant government under Hitler. These strategies are altogether effectively stated, yet the Nazis had tremendous issues and hindrances which they looked all together for these designs to be accomplished. After they took power, certain individual arrangements were made and authorized, which endeavored to accomplish the beliefs recorded previously. Above all else, the Nazis had arrangements towards the act of religion, so as to save the beliefs of the customary society Germanic people group. The Nazis wanted to control the congregation just as the state and they marked the concordat with Pope Pious II. The Nazis prevailed upon the narrative of Christ, who was identified with the Germans. This was their legitimization for setting the image of Christ, the cross, close to the image of Nazism, the insignia, in holy places over the whole of Germany. Besides, the Nazis had the option to make a conventional Germanic people group, while as yet controlling it, by the presentation of physical and scholarly preparing through different gatherings, to some extent... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Fathers Attitude of Love Towards Sinners. Essay -- Religion Religious

Fathers Attitude of Love Towards Sinners The Parable of the Prodigal Son uncovers the two Gods love for the individuals who are prepared to acknowledge it, which for this situation is the reckless child who comes back to his dad, and his dismissal of the conceited nobility. Atonement and absolution are fundamental to regular day to day existence. In the book of Luke, the anecdote of the extravagant child is told. The dad in the anecdote speaks to God. The extravagant child is representative of one who is living in wrongdoing, apologizes, and comes back to partnership with God. The reckless child chose he had enough under his dad and needed to be all alone. In addition to the fact that he wanted to leave, yet he likewise needed to take a lot of the legacy that he shouldn't get until his dads passing. The dad allowed his children demand. In spite of the fact that he gives a bit of his cash to his child, the dad despite everything is rich. The dad was not so much worried about what he gave his child, however worried about his children individual security and come back to the family. God doesn't lose anything by our choice to live in disobedience. People are the main ones who lose everything. The child left for a far away nation and discarded his legacy with wild living. The children reckless conduct was essentially a side effect of the profound want to be his own lord, to live autonomously, to do however he wanted. The profound significance behind the anecdote shows keeps an eye on disobedience to God. God doesn't contradict ones decision in picking how to live. We as people utilize all that God has allowed us not for serving Him in acquiescence, however without wanting to. As indicated by the lessons in the Bible, God permits people the opportunity to settle on choices throughout everyday life. A few decisions or choices will lead either to genuine harmony and opportunity or to demolition. Numerous peo... ...o matter how gravely one screws up, God is consistently there holding on to pardon. We as people need to settle on the choice to atone and request pardoning with a quiet soul. We as a whole at one point in our lives are the intemperate child. Works Cited 1. Kennedy, X.J., Gioia, Dana. The Parable of the Prodigal Son. Writing: An Introduction to fiction, verse, and show. New York: Longman, 2002. 232-33. 2. Kennedy, X.J., Gioia, Dana. Intemperate Son. Writing: An Introduction to fiction, verse, and show. New York: Longman, 2002. 1361-66. 3. Jeremias, Joachim. The anecdote of the Prodigal Son. The Parables of Jesus. New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1963. 4. Tracker, Archibald. Intemperate Son. Deciphering the Parables. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1960. 5. Buttrick, George. Luke 15:11-32. The Interpreters Bible. New York: Abingdon=Cokesbury Press, 1952.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Thom Gunn’s Donahue’s Sister :: Donahues Sister

Thom Gunn’s Donahue’s Sister   â â Thom Gunn was a writer who frequently composed of normal hardships in consistently life.â Gunn’s composing style and selection of points makes it evident that he was writing in the center to late twentieth century, and this is the thing that attracts individuals of today to his work.â I accept that in addition to the fact that people are ready to relate better to Gunn in light of his subject determination but since of the timeframe most of his work is written in.  â â In the twentieth century, especially since the 1950’s or something like that, we have seen as a general public; the appearance of AIDS, an expanding measure of single parent families, an expansion in medication and liquor use among youngsters, contention over homosexuality, and an expanding number of occurrences where we, as a nation, have seen that cash and force can get anybody off for any wrongdoing or wrong-doing.â In â€Å"Donahue’s Sister†, Gunn composes according to a perspective that beyond what half of our populace can most likely identify with on the grounds that practically we all know somebody with a drinking issue or have one of our own.â â€Å"Donahue’s Sister† shows the dissatisfaction of a sibling as he clarifies the level of seriousness that his sister’s drinking issue has reached.â The sonnet places us in Donahue’s body from the beginning so as though we are seeing her remaining at the leader of the st eps, intoxicated past recovery.â Although there is without a doubt space for various understandings, I trust â€Å"Donahue’s Sister† is composed by Gunn fundamentally to show the decimation that fixation can do to an individual or a relationship.  â â In this paper, I will endeavor to make Gunn’s voice heard by how I decipher the sonnet, and by doing so I want to show how pertinent this sonnet was to the decade it was written in, the 1980’s.â I likewise will investigate some different prospects of how this may have identified with or influenced Gunn directly.â at the end of the day, what variables may have been answerable for his composing this sonnet.  â â The start of the sonnet portrays the sister standing eye to eye with Donahue at the leader of the stairs.â She is in her own smashed world, which is alluded to as her â€Å"private world† all through the poem.â This delineation is exceptionally precise of a tanked who accepts that they have everything leveled out and that the world they are in is in reality preferred for them over the calm world; reality.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Bacteriophage Life Cycle Animation

Bacteriophages are viruses that infect​ bacteria. A bacteriophage can have a protein tail attached to the capsid (protein coat that envelopes the genetic material), which is used to infect the host bacteria. All About Viruses Scientists have long sought to uncover the structure and function of viruses. Viruses are unique -- they have been classified as both living and nonliving at various points in the history of biology. A virus particle, also known as a virion, is essentially a nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein shell or coat. Viruses are extremely small, approximately 15 - 25 nanometers in diameter. Virus Replication Viruses are intracellular obligate parasites, which means that they cannot reproduce or express their genes without the help of a living cell. Once a virus has infected a cell, it will use the cells ribosomes, enzymes, and much of the cellular machinery to reproduce. Viral replication produces many progeny that leave the host cell to infect other cells. Bacteriophage Life Cycle A bacteriophage reproduces by one of two types of life cycles. These cycles are the lysogenic life cycle and the lytic life cycle. In the lysogenic cycle, bacteriophages reproduce without killing the host. Genetic recombination occurs between the viral DNA and the bacterial genome as the viral DNA is inserted into the bacterial chromosome. In the lytic life cycle, the virus breaks open or lyses the host cell. This results in the death of the host. Bacteriophage Life Cycle Animation Below are animations of the lytic life cycle of a bacteriophage.Animation AThe bacteriophage attaches to the cell wall of a bacterium.Animation BThe bacteriophage injects its genome into the bacterium.Animation CThis animation shows the replication of the viral genome.Animation DBacteriophages are released by lysis.Animation ESummary of the entire lytic life cycle of a bacteriophage.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

CASE EXAMPLES Essay - 3464 Words

INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: RICHARD LOPEZ, PRODUCT MANAGER, SONY CORPORATION XXXXXXXXX, MARKETING ANANLYST, SONY CORPORATION SONY VAIO LAPTOP LAUNCH IN CHINA AUGUST 30, 2013 This memorandum is to suggest that Sony should stay on its premium offering and be targeting the Chinese â€Å"status-focused† segment while at the same time working on the â€Å"Quality of Lifers† and â€Å"Technosocializers† segments and increase their value in our product which as a consequence will significantly be reinforcing Sony’s market share and sales in China within its coming launch of the VAIO laptop. The company’s profits will increase accordingly and Sony gradually will be the dominant in the laptop’s market of China. For that, a†¦show more content†¦The laptop market penetration is currently assessed at 50% of the current addressable market so growth in this market is slowing. Finding segments within the market that differentiates VAIO from our competitors is a key to VAIO’s future growth in the Chinese laptop marketplace. In the future it can be expected that as the market matures a larger proportion of future sales will come from replacements or upgrades instead of sales to new entrants in the laptop market. Additionally, approximately 50% of the working age population is 35 years old or less and this age range is driving a move to status seeking in consumer purchases. Customer interviews have shown that SONY is considered a premium brand. Although the laptop market will begin to mature with slower growth, we can capitalize on our strength of being a premium brand when customers choose to replace or upgrade their laptops in the future. Our marketing program must continue to establish us in the mind of the status-seeking consumer as a premium brand. With this in consideration and as shown in exhibit 1, analysis from the CLUES report and Project Compass highlighted six market segments of customers with greater than 60% likelihood to purchase a laptop within the next 12 months. The SONY brand is considered a premium, fashionable, status enhancing laptop and this is one of our competitive strengths. After, reviewing the customer segment descriptions, four of the market segments allowShow MoreRelatedCase Study Essay examples1292 Words   |  6 PagesCase Study 1: Prelude To A Medical Error 1. Background Statement My case study is over chapters 4 and 7. The title is Prelude to a Medical Error. In this case study, Mrs. Bee is an elderly woman who was hospitalized after a bad fall. After her morning physical therapy, Mrs. Bee felt she could not breathe. Mrs. Bee had experienced terrible spasms in her left calf the previous evening and notified Nurse Karing. 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Understanding Plagiarism Linguistic Patterns

Question: Describe about the Understanding Plagiarism Linguistic Patterns? Answer: Analysis Plagiarism is serious issue for students and researchers. Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work. It is expected that students shall not use the work of others by their own name. It is expected that students would refer to other sources gain knowledge. However, students should not use the content of other people. It can be said that students can commit the plagiarism knowingly or unknowingly. There are certain guidelines that can ensure that students write genuine content. For example, students should not read and write at same time. It means that the first part of any academic work should be the study part of reading part. Once this is done, then students should write. There could be cases when students are required to refer to previous studies or work of others. In these cases, students should provide due reference (Hagen, 2012 ). If student is using the exact words of others then these words should be put in inverted commas. It would be correct to say that plagiarism is an important aspect of academic integrity and student must avoid plagiarism. Students should also realize that there exist specific tools in the market that can detect plagiarism. Therefore, students should not even try to produce plagiarized content. With respect to academic and education field, it can be said that plagiarism is a serious thing. Various universities have the guidelines for plagiarism and it is expected that students would follow these guidelines. There are certain ways by which plagiarism can be avoided. Students may sometime use plagiarism when they fall short of time to complete the task. In these situations, it is always advisable to ask for extension rather that producing a plagiarized content. Students should realize that plagiarism is not accepted in any form. One of an important step to ensure that plagiarism is avoided is to manage the time and start well in advance. Another important step is to make notes while studying. The notes would act as good source for students to complete the tasks. A good amount of study before writing the paper would help students to avoid plagiarism (Abraham, 2012). It is important that students should show high ethical standards and avoid plagiarism. It not only creates bad reputation but plagiarism can also affect the grades badly. There is no point in giving a plagiarized content by ones own name. It is expected that students would show maturity and they would avoid plagiarized content. Typically, copying from Internet sources does plagiarism. It would be good if student do not refer to these sources while writing the paper. The external sources and Internet sources should only be referred by studying the topic and doing the background research. References Alzahrani, S. M., Salim, N., Abraham, A. (2012). Understanding plagiarism linguistic patterns, textual features, and detection methods.Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, IEEE Transactions on,42(2), 133-149. Potthast, M., Gollub, T., Hagen, M., Kiesel, J., Michel, M., Oberlnder, A., ... Stein, B. (2012, September). Overview of the 4th International Competition on Plagiarism Detection. InCLEF (Online Working Notes/Labs/Workshop).

Monday, April 20, 2020

John Keats-ode to autumn Essay Example

John Keats-ode to autumn Paper This is the last poem Keats wrote and is an ode, which is a lyric poem addressed to a person or thing and deals with one main idea. The romantic poets like Wordsworth, Shelley and Keats used this form of poem a lot. The Romantics wrote of many things in their poems and believed their emotions and their imagination were very important. In this poem the main subject is autumn which Keats relates to love, death and immortality (Romantics were interested in these areas). He describes Autumns rich images and uses them as symbols for his own feelings. Keats uses a mature language to convey a Romantics view of Autumn and nature. In the first stanza we are straight away led into the idea of something which is warm, pleasant, smooth and full of richness autumn.. The word autumn is never used except in the title so we only know its autumn because of the way Keats paints us a picture with words. With words like mellow and fruitfulness being used. Keats then talks of the sun and how it ripens everything in a completed and full way, And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core.. This shows how Keats believes autumn begins and summer ends, with the growth and ripeness of fruit and plants. He uses detailed, complex and innovative language to describe a maturing and full Autumn. For example, when talking about the ripening fruit of autumn And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core and To swell the gourd and plump the hazel shells. The use of those words swell and plumpin this context presents a very real picture. He shows use a summer leaving and a Autumn entering in abundance and an idea of love. The line .. later flowers for the bees, Until they think warm days will never cease, shows how autumn can come slowly in with warm sun and late flowers such that the bees may think it is still summer. Maybe this all relates to Keats and shows he had reached the ripest point of his career. The second stanza is Autumn described in a very strong way and shows us very visual ideas. Keats in this stanza represents Autumn as a person or spirit using words such as seated, sleeping and watching which are all things one does. For example, in the lines Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find. We will write a custom essay sample on John Keats-ode to autumn specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on John Keats-ode to autumn specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on John Keats-ode to autumn specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Thee sitting careless on a granary floor, Thy hair soft-lifted Keats clearly shows autumn as a person, using the pronoun thee and words such as careless which can only apply to people. Another example is when he writes: Steady thy laden head across a brook; Or by a cider -press with patient look with the word patient clearly a human quality. This personification is very good at getting across the feeling of an autumn day the furrows are half-reaped there is a winnowing wind but it is not cold and bitter like winter because he writes they hair soft lifted by the winnowing wind. In this second stanza, he also shows what Autumn has and brings its characteristics and occupations. This stanza has a feeling of contentment and yet impermanence, the cider reaches its last oozings and the harvest is finishing while thy hook spares the next swath . Autumn reaches its peak but the peak is slowly fading. Talk of drugs to ease pain was mentioned Drowsed with the fume of poppies. This was linking with one of the Romantics pastimes but maybe also the pain-relief for Keats. He describes corn being hooked and cider being pressed. All of this stanza may again relate to Keats life as he knew of his illness and death was beginning to enter his thoughts. The last stanza is important and uses brilliant and poetic language with Keats showing his joy in words. Music is an important topic here with with Keats claiming that, like spring, autumn has its own music .. thou hast thy music too and he used words such as choir, sing, soft, treble and twitter. The gnats are a wailful choir; the hedge-crickets sing and now with treble soft, The redbreast whistles. But also there is a contrasting and somewhat overpowering topic of death and winter. This is portrayed in lines such as While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, and Then in a wailful choir, the small gnats mourn telling us they are about to die. The stanza hints at eternal beauty present which Keats was interested in and searched for in the lines hedge crickets sing redbreast whistles gathering swallows twitter and full grown lambs bleat we are given a picture of life . I like his description of how the sinking sun touches the stubble-plains with rosy hue. The last five lines in the stanza stand out with sounds combining to give a low drone and feeling of time. The stanza gives a feeling of rising and falling in comparative ways as it leads into winter a cold and dark month. The swallows are gathering getting ready to leave for warmer countries and the clouds bloom the soft dying day . The winter relates to Keats as he was near death and Im sure he thought very deeply as he wrote the last stanza. The whole poem presents a different and very imaginative view of nature. The poem has a varied rhythm similar to a sonnet and it is very interesting how the poem is still full of richness even thought only one simile was used .. like a gleaner . This poem shows Keats as a Romantic and shows his skill at describing his life in terms of nature and at the same time bringing to life a picture of an English autumn. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Keats section.